
A self-taught photographer, jackson has spent 20 years (ten of those in New York City) photographing the male nude.  Currently based in the beautiful coastal city of Royston on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, he continues to expand on this impressive body of work.

Under the name jackson photografix, his work has been seen internationally in print and online.  His fine art photography has been exhibited in galleries throughout North America like the prestigious Leslie Lohman Gallery in NYC, Raven Gallery in San Francisco, The Chimaya Gallery in Los Angeles, and participated in group shows such as the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival, Art Undressed Tour (USA/Canada/Europe), Exposure Festival (Edmonton), and the Queer Arts Festival (Vancouver) and most recently as part of a very successful show in Mexico City at the Maria Jose Velasco Gallery. His unique brand of homoerotic photography is included in The World’s Greatest Erotic Art of Today, Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5, and in the Bruno Gmuender book TurnOn: Sneax. Most recently he was selected by Getty Images as one of only 50 photographers internationally in the New Renaissance photography competition through Ello.co. In 2023, jackson will be back in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for the 15th year to serve as the official photographer at Beefdip, a week long series of events attracting gay men from around the world — an ideal place to photograph male models, from his old favourites to some exciting new discoveries. Jackson returns periodically to Edmonton, his home town, to mount exhibitions with the help of his old friend Robbie Crosswhite at the Ruby Gorgeous Salon.
You can follow jacksonphotografix on Ello, AdultFolio, Instagram, Tumblr, and Redbubble.